7 simple ways to cope with the cold

7 simple ways to cope with the cold. Cold is one disease that is often approached by many people. There are many factors cause cold, from the influence of the weather, the declining condition of the body, until the virus spread. That obviously, if disease cold are not handled properly, this could lead to the disease lasts longer and work activities.
7 simple ways to cope with the cold
Cold caused by accumulated inside our body uneven gas and the gas could not be issued by the body. Usually this is because the cold temperatures that are too cold, too long exposed to
rainwater, late eating, lack of rest, and the changing of the seasons.

Although already known since hereditary, the term entered the wind was not known in the medical world. Usually symptoms of a cold can be known through any changes in the body like body feels less tasty, cold, hot and cold, headache, muscle pain, feels lost appetite, and feel tired.

The following simple ways that can cope with cold:

  1. Drink ginger juice
    Ginger is one of the most potent ingredients that could repel incoming wind. Usually, ginger crushed, boiled, and then the water is drunk. In addition to delicious to consume, ginger has tremendous benefits to make the body becomes warm instantly. Ginger is usually consumed in the cold countries, especially by those who avoid alcohol.
    To reduce the taste of spicy ginger and make it better, you could add a little lemon juice. More delicious again when the ginger juice given additional crystal sugar and consumed with boiled bananas.

  2. Consumption of garlic
    Garlic has many properties which are useful to the body. Besides powerful functions to cope with toothache, garlic is also beneficial to cope with cold. You can eat garlic by mixing into foods, or better yet if battered them down, give a little salt, and eat it raw.
    Onion usually soup also be an alternative to treat a cold. The content of allicin in garlic is quite high, and it has a function as a natural antibiotic that inhibits the growth of bacteria and viruses in the body.

  3. The Consumption Of Vitamin C
    Vitamin C has a very good property to enhance the durability of the body. The early stages of cold are usually marked with a bloated stomach and pain in parts of the palate during swallowing. When you realize the initial stages of cold, immediately consume lots of vitamin C, either sold in the pharmacy or natural-shaped.
    Vitamin C can be obtained through a variety of foodstuffs, especially oranges and chilies. Natural vitamin C is much better than the artificial type can be obtained in pharmacies. You can also drink the bottled sold to supplement vitamin C.
  4. Consumption of chicken soup
    In addition to delicious and warms the body, chicken soup also has powerful properties to ward off cold or even cure it. Normally when cold or fever, your tongue will feel bitter so hard to swallow heavy foods such as rice or bread. Therefore, the chicken soup and vegetables can be alternative healthy food.
    In order for the effect to warm her body more noticeably, try to add a little pepper and pepper into chicken soup. After your stomach full, sleep would be easier, and as a result the diseases will be cured more easily.
  5. Kerokan
    Kerokan is the traditional way people Indonesia to cope with the cold. This method is usually done by rubbing the back with balm or eucalyptus oil, then “scratch it” with the coin. This process is done until all parts of the back left color reddish or purplish scars

    Scientifically, kerokan can cure cold because when scraped away our bodies will produce natural substances Thiamin which serves to lessen the pain. Typically, the initial period of kerokan is done in cold to prevent the disease become more severe.

Maybe that's a little tip about 7 simple ways to cope with the cold digestion may be beneficial and useful for your health problems.

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