The benefits of tomatoes to facial beauty

The benefits of tomatoes to facial beauty
The benefits of tomatoes to facial beauty. Tomatoes contain a lot of nutrients and nutrients for health of facial skin and beauty of women. So did the presence of tomato easy to encounter in our environment. Therefore, what harm we try using tomato slices to facial beauty. With either tomato face mask skin as we'll get to the intake of nutrients from the fruit of the tomato. For your facial skin healthier you should routinely use this mask to get tremendous benefits.

Tomato plants from the family Solanaceae, native to Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru. Tomato is a short life cycle, plants can grow as high as 1 to 3 meters. This plant has fruits are green, yellow, and Red is commonly used as a vegetable in cooking or consumed directly without processing.

  • Can brighten and moisturize the skin face
    Tomatoes have a lot of content which is very beneficial to the health of facial skin such as vitamins C and E as well as having an anti germ content of a very powerful in obliterating germs on the skin of the face. Tomatoes can be used as a facial mask that can brighten and moisturize the skin of the face.

    The way is:
    Grab a fresh red tomato fruit then wash clean up pesticide content in order for his lost. After that dividing into sections and then rubbing across the skin of face and neck until evenly, then let sit for about 15 minutes so that the content of the nutrients present in tomatoes could be percolating nicely. Then clean with a wet towel that is soft, then feel the results.

  • Can protect facial skin from sunburn
    The heat of the hot sun can cause sunburn and even skin inflamed, if left alone it will be bad for the health of your facial skin. But you do not worry because tomatoes can be a protector from sunburn.

    The way is:
    1 piece of fresh tomato puree and add a little yogurt, stir-stir until evenly distributed. After that, apply throughout the skin of the face and then let stand about 15 minutes. Then clean with cold water until clean, do this with regular treatment in order to get maximum results.

  • Can reduce the excess oil content
    Oily skin face can cause dull facial skin and breakouts, it is caused by dead skin cells on the skin of the face. To address the problem of oily skin, you can use the tomato fruit as alternative solutions are trusted highly potent in addressing the problems of oily skin.

    The way is:
    Puree fresh plum tomatoes 1 medium-sized and small-sized cucumber 1 piece, puree using a blender. After that clean your face first and then apply tomato juice across the face and neck until evenly, then let sit for 30 minutes then clean with cold water. Do these treatments on a regular basis every day until the oil deposits on the skin of your face.

  • Can get rid of acne
    Tomatoes are also able to get rid of acne quickly

    The way is:
    Clean the skin beforehand your face with warm water before doing any maintenance. After that, the tomato puree 1 piece with a blender until smooth and add water as much lemon juice 2 tablespoons. Then apply throughout your face so that the result is uneven, because in addition to eliminate acne this way are also useful for smoothing the skin of your face. After all, let sit overnight so that the result is a more maximum and than clear in the morning with warm water and repeat with cold water. Do this treatment daily until acne is gone.
Maybe that's a little tip about The benefits of tomatoes to facial beauty digestion may be beneficial and useful for your health problems.

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