Benefits of betel leaves for the region of femininity

Benefits of betel leaves for the region of femininity. Betel nut plants native to Indonesia growing vine or tree trunk rests on the other. As the leaves and fruit is the usual culture chewed along with betel nut, tobacco, Gambier and limestone.

Betel leaf has indeed been used since the times first until now, then no wonder the efficacy of this plant is already no need to doubt in overcoming various problems of womanhood because betel leaf is rich in deposits of substances such as essential oils and compounds many more of the other substance content. In addition, betel leaves can also be used as a cleanser of femininity as it has the content substance is antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacteria that are able to kill germs and bacteria the cause of vaginal discharge and eliminate odors do not foul on the organ of your femininity.

This straight he benefits of betel leaves for the region of femininity that is as follows:

  1. Clean Up Miss V
    The content of the anti-fungus on the betel leaf have benefits to clean mold is dangerous, as well as eliminate the Microbe that can harm in the area around the vagina. Use of water decoction of betel leaf to cleanse the area of miss V, here's how: set 10 pieces of betel leaves, then wash to clean. After that, boiled betel leaves by using 500 ml clean water to a boil. Then use the betel leaves are Boiled water to wash away your miss V. Doing it this way on a regular basis every day morning and evening.
  2. Moor Of Miss V
    Decoction of betel leaf also turned out to be Moor area of miss V and made miss V became drier. How can a dry vagina that is equal to a clean miss v. in addition of water decoction of betel leaf can also be drunk especially for women who have already given birth.

  3. Eliminate odors at miss V
    If you have problems with vaginal smells foul you can use less of the water decoction of leaves of betel as a real solution. The way is you just simply drinking water and clean the area of your femininity with a concoction of betel leaf is routinely and regularly twice a day.
  4. Overcoming vaginal discharge
    Excess vaginal discharge can indeed disturb and comfort you belong in the husband and wife relationship. Do routinely and regularly every wash and consume water decoction of betel leaf until the whiteness you healed.
  5. Relieving itch
    Whether you are experiencing the problem hives on the area miss V? Certainly it feels very disturb you. Itching at miss v is caused due to bacteria, fungi, dirty and moist. Well, to address these problems you should really maintain the cleanliness of your intimate area that is to wash them using potions of water decoction of betel leaf.
  6. Cope with excess mucus
    Besides itching at miss V, you might also experience excess mucus in your intimate areas. Take care with betel leaf tannin content, serves to reduce the natural fluids excess on miss v. overcome these problems with a routine clean up your intimate area with water decoction of betel leaves at once can make areas of femininity You fragrant.
  7. Increase the passion of husband and wife
    To do routine and regular maintenance, of course this will impact both for the miss v. because of miss V will feel more clean, crisp and fragrant no doubt your confidence when conducting intimate relationship the more confident at the same time will boost your partner's sexual desire.
Maybe that's a little tip about Benefits of betel leaves for the region of femininity digestion may be beneficial and useful for your health problems.

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